Carl Bildt, foreign minister of Sweden and former Prime Minister of Sweden and mediator in the Yoguslav Wars. Carl Bildt has like few other politicians adapted to the complex network of stakeholders around him and has a firm grip of his communication. He started blogging in 2005 and his blog Alla dessa dagar is one of Sweden´s most read blogs where he lets the reader take part behind the scenes of international politics.
Hanna Brogren, Director of Communications at the City of Stockholm. The City has worked extensively with
communicative leadership, values and brand in a public sector organisation employing over 40 000 people.
Björn Edlund is former Vice President Communications at Royal Dutch Shell plc, a company with over 100 000 employees world-wide. Prior to this he was Head of Corporate Comunications at Asea Brown Boveri (ABB). “Relations have real value”, he said in a recent interview, and stated that in the networked world, we will see a deepening into psychology from today’s sociology-based communications
Peje Emilsson, founder of Kreab and Executive Chairman of Kreab Gavin Anderson Worldwide. Has received numerous aknowledgements such as Sabre Awards and H.M. The King’s medal, but claims PR is all about common sense and experience.
Anne Gregory is one of Great Britain´s most appriciated professors and head of Europe´s largest academical institution for PR. Originally a journalist, she´s been a PR-professional since the 1980´s. Over the years many things have changed, but not Annes passion for communication. “It´s a privilege to work with something that defines us as humans”, Anne says.
Sven Hamrefors, professor on innovation and communication at Mälardalen University. Has done ground-breaking research on the communicative leadership and where the communicator fits in. “You won´t be offered to be on the management team because you write good press releases”, he states.
Mervyn E. King is senior counsel and former judge on the Supreme Court of South Africa, and Chairman of the King Committee on corporate governance in South Africa. Member of the private sector advisory group on corporate governance to the World Bank, Chairman of the Eminent Persons Group to review the governance and oversight of the United Nations. “People, planet and profit are inextricably intertwined” he wrote in the King III Report, launched in september 2009.
Ronél Rensburg is Vice-President of Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa , professor in the Department of Marketing and Communication Management at the University of Pretoria. and holds various titles in the international communications arena. She currently specialises on the role of reputation management and stakeholder engagement in corporate governance. “Although modern electronic media have taken over the world and people find themselves wired-up and more connected than ever before, the art of speechmaking is still important”, Ronél says.
Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum. Has also founded Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and Forum for Young Global Leaders. Since 1979, he publishes the annual Global Competitiveness Report. “Our present system fails to meet its obligations to as many as 3 billion people in the world”, he said when arguing that global economic institutions and mechanisms of international cooperation must be built on values.
Brian Solis is Principal of FutureWorks, a PR and New Media agency in the US, and blogwriter. Solis is globally recognized for his views and insights on the convergence of PR, Traditional Media and Social Media. “Attention is the new currency”, he claimed when last visting Stockholm in May 2009.
Robin Teigland, Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and research leader on social networks, virtual worlds, and the 3D internet. She has researched and lectured on social networks and their relationship with strategy and performance for more than ten years and perform one of her research projects entirely in Second Life. “If you love knowledge, set it free”, is Robin´s motto.
Beata Wickbom, “Queen of Internet and Social Media”, will guide us through these two days. Beata is senior adviser on web and social media at Pool and highly engaged moderator. “The future mission for the communicator is to create RELEVANT information”, she states in her blog Second Business.
John Paluszek, Global Alliance chair and senior counsel at Public Relations Agency Ketchum in New York.
Cecilia Schön Jansson, chair of the Swedish Public Relations Association and Group Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Public Affairs at SAAB AB.